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Wire Construction Brooch

While creating the design of this brooch I wanted to focus on architecture and how it has affected the environment. I was inspired by modern architecture, especially the designs of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe; the geometric style and sharp edges caught my attention. I used wire construction techniques to capture the sharp edges and clean lines of the sterling silver wire. From side view the brooch looks very architectural, but from the top, I wanted the brooch to resemble a bug. The two structures that, from the side, allude to buildings create the bug’s wings when viewed from the top. Two domes were used for the bug’s eyes and were painted black using nail polish to make them look shin, as most bugs’ eyes are. For my alternative material I applied textile paint to a piece of transparency paper. When viewing the paint through the transparency side, it gives a similar look to stained glass. This went well with the architectural theme as well as the shiny quality that bugs’ wings have.
The original color of the brooch was green but was later changed to purple to represent the color of a bug's wings.
Wire Construction Brooch